Hashtag DDD是創立於2016年末,於2018年初正式由Dddesign更名為Hashtag DDD的獨立設計品牌。
在每個元素都被分類標籤,以便順應當下龐雜的信息旋渦的同時,Hashtag DDD希望逆風而動溯流而上,以拒絕標籤化為標籤,用標籤反對被標籤化。
以此嘗試對於當下潮流與所謂真理的反動與破壞。由此誕生的Hashtag DDD不僅抱有一絲青春期的叛逆,更包含著以創意和鮮明的設計來展現年輕人的個性和態度。
Hashtag DDD was founded at the end of 2016, and the individual design brand was renamed from “Dddesign” to “Hashtag DDD” in early 2018.
Hashtag means the # sign and label, and the three D letters represent Dream, Define and Design.While the elements are labeled to adapt the complex information, Hashtag DDD hopes to swim upstream and use labels against being labeled.
We try to break the current trend and the so-called truth which is why Hashtag DDD not only has a bit of rebelliousness but also includes creative and distinctive design to present young adults’ attitude and personality.